Hi, I’m Todd!

I've been coaching and helping others my entire life. Over 12 years ago, I began my professional career helping to strengthen families and change the lives of at-risk youth. When my company lost a grant during the recession, my position was eliminated. We had just purchased our first home, and had a growing family with other children on the way. This time of immense struggle profoundly impacted my life.

I reattached to the workforce ironically coaching others who were unemployed. My personal struggle provided me all the motivation I would need to advocate for my clients and find creative ways to effectively reconnect them with careers.

As I helped literally hundreds of people grow and find success, I discovered the real key of success actually lies in self-awareness and personal development. So, I sought out my own coach, who taught me how to break through self-limiting beliefs and achieve inspiring and worthy goals. I learned how to dream again, and finally...how to become empowered and create the life I wanted.

When I began to challenge this thinking into my career coaching, my clients suddenly began to find jobs earning more money after unemployment than before. They began pursuing higher educational goals and aligning their professions with true passion. My clients magnified their potential to a degree which gave me the courage to start my own company.

Now, I have taken all my years of experience career coaching and have built a process that helps people recognize their value, find their purpose and confidently land dream jobs across industries. I have continued to invest in myself and am seeking out the best mentors in the world to help me effectively teach the secrets of a happy, prosperous and abundant life.

MY Personality

As part of my professional development journey, I began to value myself more when I knew and understood who I was better. I want to share some aspects of my personality which combine to make me a very effective coach. This is part of the self-discovery journey I want to help everyone make!

Gallup Strength Finder 2.0 Top 5 Talents


ENFP Personality Type









How my personality impacts my coaching

Learning my Strength Finder 2.0 talents has made a huge impact on my professional life. My awareness of natural talent allows me to act with greater intention, and get results like no one else.

First, I treat every client relationship uniquely. I love to get to know people, find out what motivates them and how they define success. While I can meet people where they are, that ability to customize my coaching never forsakes strategy. In career and life, there are many important concepts people need to learn and master to find success and happiness.

I also strongly believe everything happens for a reason, but it is up to us to determine what that reason is. I continually study, to improve myself, but also to catalog the information I come across because I never know which tactic, quote or lesson will make a great impact on you! Finally, I’ll never forget what it was like to be unemployed and stuck in my own life, so I know (at least a little bit) what you might be struggling with.

When I am in the “coaching space” I am deeply energized to help clients make a breakthrough. My intuitive abilities have never led me wrong, and help me guide clients to the solutions which are right to them. My high emotional intelligence also allows me to have patience and empathy, but also balance when the right time is to guide people out of their comfort zone. Finally, I see the world in many shades of gray, which allows clients to maintain their own perspective, and gives me space to share new ideas that just might shift everything for you.

There is an interesting fact about the combination of NF (Intuitive / Feeling) in a personality. While we are on a quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement, we want to help others make the journey, too.

This level of insight is why every one of my career coaching clients takes both Gallup’s Clifton Strengths and 16 Personalities.

Educational Background

Review my degrees and certificates.